The space of night is infinite,
The blackness and emptiness
Crossed only by thin bright fences
Of logic

— Kenneth Rexroth
"Theory of Numbers"


Luner eclipse 2/20/08

Looking at the eclipse through the clouds was no fun so I decided to go to bed a little early. Before going to sleep, I adjusted the blinds so I can see the moon with my head on the pillow. A half hour later, my wife comes to bed and wakes me up. I look through the blinds at the now, total eclipse. I now had to get out of bed to watch for a little while. Being it was about 14 degrees outside; I decided to watch through the window. With no obstructions, I grabbed my camera.

Luner eclipse  2/20/08

Moon close up

A close up of the Moon

Moon close up

Lunar Eclipse as seen in Clifton, New Jersey

March 3, 2007  Lunar Eclipse
Clifton, New Jersey.  Taken with a Celestron SPC-6 attached to a Olympus Camedia C-4000.  There appears to be some sort of flaring in the photo. 

Lunar Eclipse as seen in Clifton, New Jersey

The Moon

This picture was taken on September 1, 2005. Celestron SPC-6, Olympus Camedia C4000. That's all I can remember.  This is an example of Earthshine.  There was moonshine on Earth tonight!

The Moon