"If you wish to make an apple pie truly from scratch, you must first invent the universe."

— Carl Sagan


Astronomical League Convention and Exposition for 2009


I got an email about a week ago from Richard Huber of the Amatuer Observers Society of NY.  He is their Co-Chairman of the Astronomical League 2009 Convention Committee.  Check out the website and make plans.  The dates are August 7-8.  Lots of things going on.  Take care.



Dark Sky Observers now on NJASTRO.ORG

Thanks to Kuky and Myamiphil.

I am quite happy that the NJAG's Dark Sky Observer is online. These newsletters have sat for many years in archive. Perhaps former members will find them and contact us.

Can static discharges produce Gamma Rays????

In researching info on ULF/ELF waves I found an interesting article....

what comes first the chicken or the egg?

What ya find when your searching the net

I was researching some geneology tonight and came across my name... in an astronomical webpage!!!
Im famous!

iPhone Stars


Look! Up in the sky?! … No, down on your iPhone. It’s the entire night sky on your iPhone! GoSkyWatch Planetarium is more than a mouthful, and I’m surprised it doesn’t make your iPhone heavier simply because of how much data it contains.



And a Free iPhone app "Stars"


Asteroid Ceres - for you folks with computer operated Scopes!

This may be of some help in sighting the asteroid Ceres

On the page is a link to daily
ephemerides. You need a star chart
with fainter stars in the vicinity
to be really sure that you have
found it. Then if you look again
on a succeeding night, it will have
moved relative to the stars, another

Comet Lulin

Comet Lulin Chart

Here is a finder chart for Comet Lulin which is gettign brighter now. It will soon be near the bright star Spica. This is for about 1:00 am. Later in the morning hours the comet will be higher in the sky.

Odd planet's extreme global warming: Highs of 2240

WASHINGTON – Astronomers have found a planet with a galactic case of hot flashes. In just six hours, this planet four times the size of Jupiter heats up by more than 1,200 degrees, according to a study published in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.

Two-Tailed Comet Nearing Earth

Comet Lulin

A fresh new face has moved into our neighborhood, but once it swings by Earth next month, it may never come back. Comet Lulin is currently sailing through the inner solar system and is getting closer to our home planet, with its nearest approach expected in late February

Read more on National Geographic News by Victoria Jaggard